25th June 2019 in Joining the Practice

Entitlement to NHS services and first time registration

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We extend a warm welcome to patients wishing to register with a Practice in Northern Ireland for the first time. It is important that you live within our practice boundary which is 4.5 miles from Bangor Health Centre.

The Health and Social Care Services in Northern Ireland are not free to everyone. They are primarily for the benefit of people who reside in Northern Ireland, therefore those who apply to register with a GP Practice in Northern Ireland for the first time, must complete a HSCR1 registration form and provide supporting documentation, so that their entitlement to access services can be assessed.

HSCR1 forms can be collected from reception or downloaded HSC_R1 Version 1 2017


Guidance notes have been designed to help assess an individual’s entitlement to access Health and Social Care (HSC) services. The guidance notes and HSCR1 forms are available in 11 languages. Please click here to for more information.

Lesley and Carly from our reception team process registration paperwork between 10:00 am and 11:00 am on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. They will ensure all paperwork is in order and arrange a new patient medical appointment with Sr Sharon Smyth, Practice Nurse.

Please do not hesitate to contact Lesley or Carly for further information.

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